NOSAS Scriptures, #11 (B7), Heb.3:5-19

(continuing) #11 (B7) ©

B7- Heb.3:5-19[EV], “5And Moses truly was faithful in all his house, as a servant, …; 6but Christ is even more faithful, as a Son in authority over his own house; whose house we are, if we hold fast the bold assurance and rejoicing of confident expectation firm until we achieve the promises1 for which Jesus paid the right-of-way7To enlighten our path to the destination God promised (the Holy Spirit reemphasizes: ‘Today, if you desire to hear God’s counsel, 8you will be able to do so only if you do not harden your hearts, as your ancestors did in the years of God’s exasperation with them, in the period of proving1 the children of Israel in the wilderness.S  9That was when your ancestors, who died in the wilderness, scrutinized and evaluated me, and witnessed my behavior1 for forty years.  10Therefore, because of their hardness of heart in not perceiving my true character, or correctly interpreting my actions, I was angry1 with that generation, and said, ‘They have corrupt hearts2, therefore they have not consciously understood my ways; 11so I swear in my abhorrence of their disbelief and contrary behavior, they shall not enter into my rest)’.S  12Be alert brothers, otherwise there can be formed in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing1 from the Living God.  13Instead, beckon and encourage one another in The Way of Christ every today, otherwise any of you can become spirit-hardened through the deceitfulness of sin114This co-encouragement is to everyone’s advantage, because we become beneficiaries of1 Christ if we cleave to the supremacy of Christ’s gospel in our life steadfast unto the end2.  15That is why the Scripture says to us, ‘Today, if you desire to hear1 God’s counsel, you will be able to do so only if you do not harden your heart, as your ancestors did in the years of God’s exasperation with them in the wilderness’S.  16Because some of them, when they heard God’s instruction, rebelled and disregarded that instruction: however, not all of them that followed Moses out of Egypt did so117With whom was God grieved for forty years?  Was it not with them who did not take1 God’s standard of behavior seriously2, whose carcasses fell in the wilderness18To whom did God swear that they would not enter into his rest1?  Was it not they who did not believe, although they had once believed and began the journey?  19It is clear then, that they could not enter into their Promised Land because of the unfaithfulness1 they developed after they were set free2 from Egypt3.”

 Hebrews, 3:6(1) goals; 3:8(1) smelting – bringing to proof grade; 3:8(S) Ex.15:22; Deut.34:12; 3:9(1) character and actions; 3:10(1) insulted, intensely disappointed; 3:10(2) hardened, ignorant, confused, insensitive, blinded by carnality; 3:11(S) Num.14:22-33; Ps.95:7-11; 3:12(1) severing ties, whether through intent or neglect; 3:13(1) by thought, practice, and/or following the example of those who live contrary to God’s instruction; 3:14(1) be in partnership with, get to be like; 3:14(2) the end of our life, or the end of this dispensation of Grace, whichever comes first; 3:15(1) give audience to; 3:15(S) v.7-8; 3:16(1) Joshua, Caleb, and all those not old enough to be held accountable; 3:17(1) discounted; 3:17(2) those who sinned; 3:18(1) a peaceful Promised Land; 3:19(1) withdrawal, backing away from living by Faith; 3:19(2) Salvation – after they accepted, and entered into, freedom; 3:19(3) the world, bondage to carnal senses – after they had been ‘saved’


 (to be continued) [The Word Study Version (WSV) of these Scriptures is available free upon email request to or  Questions and comments may also be presented at these addresses.  I’m also on FaceBook at ]


#30, NOSAS Scriptures, 2nd Thess.2:7-17 (#10, B-6)

(continuing) #10(B6)©

B6-  2ndThess.2:7-17[EV], “7Because the mystery of iniquity1 is already at work: only he who now hinders2 the work of the Holy Spirit will hinder, until he3 is taken out of the way.  8And then1 shall that infamous Wicked One2 be unmasked, whom the Lord shall engulf3 with the Spirit of his mouth4 and shall destroy5 with the brightness of his coming6.7  9That Wicked One is he whose coming replicates1 the works2 of Satan3 with all kinds of power4 and signs5 and lying6 wonders7, 10and with all manner of deception and self-delusion in them that perish, that convinces the ignorant and unaware that unrighteousness is righteous, because they did not receive Love of the Truth1 by which they could have been saved11In order to loose these things at the appropriate time, God shall instantly solidify1 their already present sinful delusions2 so they will unalterably continue to certify and act in accordance with3 the lies they have accepted4: 12so they will all willingly1 walk through the open door to their self-determined condemnation and destruction2: those who did not believe the Truth, but rather were well pleased in, and with3, unrighteousness.”4

  “13But1 we are indebted, dedicated and heart-captured to always2 give thanks to God for you, brethren3 beLoved of the Lord4; because God, from before the creation of the first minuscule essence of all Creation, chose those who would truly believe and accept Christ Jesus to be their Truth, Lord, and life-example5, to be the ones who will reap the harvest of Salvation.  The standard for receiving God’s Salvation6 is: (1) you must sanctify/consecrate your whole spirit to His use7,and (2) you must truly believe and Love8 God’s Truth.9  14The Lord invited, encouraged, and empowered you to fulfill this standard, for the purpose of you accepting your assigned position of responsibility, accountability, and blessing, in exemplifying Christ’s gospel.  We have demonstrated and proclaimed Christ’s gospel to you for the purpose of enabling you, through your deliberate intent and effort of Faith, to be the personal recipients, possessors,and deliverers of the same glory1 our Lord Christ Jesus possesses, and to which you have been invited and directed15Therefore, brethren, seize upon, stand fast in, and preserve the Truth precepts of Christ’s gospel, which you have been taught whether by our spoken words or written letters.  16I pray you will allow our Lord Christ Jesus himself, and God our Father who Loves us and has given1 us everlasting confident expectation of blessed and empowered outcomes through His Holy Spirit, 17to exhort and draw your hearts to the assurance and stability of His Truth, and help you to be concretely established in every Christ-intrinsic word1 and work2.”

 2ndThessalonians, 2:7(1) the son of perdition [destruction]: the carnal-driven human spirit; 2:7(2) holds the lease on – restrains, prevents, obstructs: has custody of unbelievers and the unbelieving world system, and hinders believers and God’s operating system in the world: as with ‘property’ on lease [through the first Adam] to a cantankerous [evil, domineering] landlord; 2:7(3) that spiritual power that works within us [carnality] generally identified by the name “Satan”; 2:8(1) at that time; 2:8(2) lawlessness, wickedness: the power of carnality in our life, and the unrealized ease of its defeat; 2:8(3) dominate – totally appropriate for his own use; 2:8(4) by freely and deliberately projecting the attributes of the Holy Spirit; 2:8(5) overwhelm, in order to make darkness totally of none effect in those who receive the Light – as a strong light overwhelms darkness; 2:8(6) clear revelation to the human spirit and mind; 2:8(7) There is a double implication here.  First, there will be a person who, at that time, possesses the personal power and world influence to do the things referred to in these verses [this power is already at work and on the rise].  Second, there is a power within each of us [our carnal human spirit] that has these powers in our personal life [this power is already at work and on the rise].  Both of these aspects will be fully manifest in the last days.  The world leader will be free to work his wickedness to influence the whole world; but we determine if the personal aspect of this wicked power will be unleashed or brought under the direct control of the Holy Spirit, in our personal life.  The direction our life takes at that time is dependent upon the choices of leadership we make in our life today [2ndCor.6:2].  Today, we choose to follow either ‘carnality’ or the Holy Spirit: destruction or Salvation.  There will not be time to decide after the instant God determines to set the “end times” in motion.; 2:9(1) follows, copies, emulates; 2:9(2) methods, operations, energy; 2:9(3) accuser of the Brethren – the archetype [undiluted prototype] of evil: the carnal-bound spirit and mind of unregenerate Humanity; 2:9(4) personal ‘dunamis’; 2:9(5) evidences; 2:9(6) false, not obviously human-based; 2:9(7) operations, and puzzling happenings [release of the as-yet untapped powers of the human spirit]; 2:10(1) the ability for which is empowered by the Holy Spirit; 2:11(1) thrust in – make resolute, solid, and permanent; 2:11(2) self-set determinations; 2:11(3) be locked into; 2:11(4) believed and cemented into their delusional mindset; 2:12(1) blindly; 2:12(2) the condemnation and destruction previously determined and explained by God – establish their own downfall by the lifestyle [doctrine] they accepted for themselves – receive the recompense of their own determinations [as Pharaoh and his followers did in the time of Moses]; 2:12(3) participation in, and/or sanction of unrighteousness – got their sense of fulfillment through unrighteousness; 2:12(4) There are many who believe they can live in earth-focused purpose, mentality, and sensual pleasures now, and still have the good sense to make a last-minute decision for Christ and make it to Heaven [since they have some ‘knowledge’ of Scripture, and because of the misconceptions perpetrated through ‘religion’, expect to have a quick and easy, last-minute, escape from Hell] if the obvious end-times come upon them while they are still living.  God simply finalizes [v-11 – solidifies, cements] the beliefs we [all] have when the ‘final stage’ of the end-times suddenly begins.  Unbelievers, and the unfaithful, should be very glad that these events are now being described to them, in that, a sign of this instantaneous beginning of the end-time will be their inability to recognize and detach themselves from their unrighteous beliefs, desires, and behaviors.  Now is the day and time to secure Salvation [2ndCor.6:2].

2:13(1) regardless of the corruption and damnation of those who do not believe in God’s Truth and Righteousness, and therefore live life contrary to the gospel of Christ; 2:13(2) always, and in all ways; 2:13(3) fellow spiritual-womb occupants; 2:13(4) and direct benefactors of God: the deliberate benevolence of the supreme architect and developer of all Creation; 2:13(5) to be the standard-bearers for identifying and establishing Truth and true Faith for those who would [will] believe His Son Jesus to be their Life preserver and reconciliation to the Father.; 2:13(6) in this life and/or eternal Life; 2:13(7) place highest priority on the purification and righteous use of your whole spirit: the whole foundation of who you are: the core of your beliefs and belief system – which is evidenced by carry-through [purposefully and steadily] into the behavior of your whole mind and body; 2:13(8) your own mental sanctification and consecration; 2:13(9) This total sanctification and consecration [when applied in its fullness] will empower you to fulfill the requirement of accomplishing God’s purpose and assignment for your life.  This twofold standard of life-application of Christ’s gospel is only achievable through incorporating the appropriate-to-the-situation wisdom, knowledge, and power of the Holy Spirit, and applying them to current life situations.; 2:14(1) character, power, splendor; 2:16(1) gifted, made available, to; 2:17(1) Earthly conversation, and spiritually received and delivered proclamation; 2:17(2) behavior [Earthly and spiritual]

(to be continued) [The Word Study Version (WSV) of these Scriptures is available free upon email request to or .  Questions and comments may also be presented at these addresses.  I’m also on FaceBook at ]


NOSAS (#29) Scriptures, #9 (B3-B5)

(Continuing) #9(B3-B5) ©

B3-  Col.2:6-7[EV], 6Therefore, since you have received1 Christ Jesus the Lord, live your life in him: 7rooted and built up in him, and established in the Faith, as you have been taught, excelling therein and filled with thanksgiving.”

 Colossians, 2:6(1) truly opened your spirit and mind to

 B4-  Col.4:5-6[EV], 5Walk in wisdom, especially toward them outside the body of Christ: redeeming the time16Purpose that your outward Earthly expressions are always guided and empowered by the Holy Spirit (seasoned with ‘salt’1), so you are able2 to perceive3 how you ought to interact with everyone.”

Colossians, 4:5(1) rescuing, ransoming, putting your [and their] time to good use: offering your behavior and speech to the best redemptive advantage of everyone; 4:6(1) Life giving and preservation: nourished, flavored, inspired, enriched, and empowered by the Holy Spirit.  Speech is generated through applying the content and ability of our spirit and mind; therefore, this passage is talking about preparing and training our spirit to receive wisdom and direction from the Holy Spirit, and preparing and training our mind and body to express that wisdom as directed by the Holy Spirit through our spirit.; 4:6(2) because you are seeking the advice and power of the Holy Spirit; 4:6(3) spiritually/mentally understand

 B5- 1stThess.3:12-4:8[EV], 12And I pray you will cooperate with the Lord in helping you to increase and abound in Love1 one toward another and toward all people, even as we do toward you.  13The Lord does so in order to permanently establishing your hearts1 in unblemished holiness before God our Father at the coming2 of our Lord Christ Jesus with all his saints34:1Because of his foretold coming, we further plead with you, brethren1, and exhort you by2 the Lord Jesus, that as you have received instruction from us3 on how you ought to live and to please God, we pray that in these same life-applications you would abound4 more and more.  2You know what commandments we gave you from the Lord Jesus.  3For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that you must abstain from harlotry1: 4that every one of you1 should know how to possess2 their humanness3 in sanctification and honor4; 5not in lustful/sinful desires1, even as do the heathen who know not God.  6That none of you go outside God’s standard and defraud1 your fellow human beings in any matter: because the Lord is the avenger of2 all those who are abused in any way, as we have forewarned and informed you of your responsibilities and accountability in these matters.  7God has not called us1 unto uncleanness2, but unto Holiness8Therefore, they who violate1 God’s standard of behavior toward a fellow human being, does not only despise2 that person, but also despises God: who has, along with all his other blessings, committed unto us his Holy Spirit to guide and empower us toward Holiness, which leads us away from unHoly attitudes and behaviors.”S

1stThessalonians, 3:12(1) ‘agape’: God’s kind [quality] of munificent benevolence; 3:13(1) the spirit of each individual who reads these words; 3:13(2) prepared upon sudden arrival – because the Lord is surely coming to judge Humanity, and we need to be prepared for that event, whenever it takes place, and subsequent judgment; 3:13(3) the ‘Holy Ones’: those who have died before us, who were earnestly on their way to overcoming every personal attribute that worked contrary to them achieving Character maturity in Christ [believers on a determinately fixed course to a truly righteous future]; 4:1(1) fellow spiritual womb occupants; 4:1(2) through the authority of; 4:1(3) through demonstration and knowledge; 4:1(4) excel; 4:3(1) adultery, incest, sodomy, idolatry – all sinful carnal imaginations, longings, and actions; 4:4(1) fellow Christians; 4:4(2) gain and maintain control over; 4:4(3) spirit, mind, and body; 4:4(4) valuing the cost of Salvation; 4:5(1) spiritual and carnal level sinful imaginations, longings, and actions [to set the heart and mind upon things forbidden by God – to be in a condition where a person’s spiritual/mental character is dictated to by their emotions and carnal desires, rather than having emotions and carnal desires controlled by mature Godly spiritual/mental character]; 4:6(1) take deceptive and/or abusive advantage of, tempt, or in any other way lead astray; 4:6(2) eventually and surely carrying out justice for; 4:7(1) Anything God has called us to, he has also given us the ability to prepare for.  The power of our ability lies in our spirit; the righteous fulfillment of our ability and potential lies in our connection with the Holy Spirit sent to Humanity on the first day of Pentecost following Jesus’ resurrection.; 4:7(2) impurity, moral debauchery, animalistic behavior, timidity, unHoliness; 4:8(1) have contempt for, neglect, abuse, undermine; 4:8(2) cast a dark shadow over, dishonor, degrade [especially the despiser’s own value system, and to their own destruction]; 4:8(S) Rom.1:16-25

(to be continued) [The Word Study Version (WSV) of these Scriptures is available free upon email request to or  Questions and comments may also be presented at these addresses.  I’m also on FaceBook at ]

NOSAS Scriptures, #8(B2)

(continuing)  #8(B2)

B2-  Col.1:9-10, 12, 18, 21-23, 27-28[EV], 9For this cause1 we also, since the day we heard it2, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that you might be filled3 with sincere spiritual/mental understanding4 of God’s will for your life in all wisdom and understanding in Godly spiritual matters.  10This is so you will have the courage to live worthy of the Lord unto all submission to him, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in spiritual/mental understanding1 of God;”

 “12Giving thanks unto the Father, who has equipped1 us to be co-beneficiaries in the inheritance of the saints2: those who live in Christ’s Light3:”

 “18And Jesus is the head of the body of Christ1 [the Church2], and is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; so that over all things3 he may become preeminent4.”

 “21And you1 also, who were alienated from God2 in times past and hostile toward Him through your exercise of wicked3 beliefs, thoughts, and behavior.  Nevertheless, He has also now reconciled4 you to himself through Christ5, 22through his human experience1 and body unto death2, in order to empower you3 to be presented4 holy, unblemished, and unreproveable in God’s sight5.  23You will enter into and maintain this status, and live in the benefits of this reconciliation, if you continue in the Faith1 grounded and settled, and be not moved away from life-ruling2 confidence in the true gospel of Christ Jesus – which the Father expects of you.  You have already heard this, which is now in the process of being3 demonstrated and proclaimed to every human being4, the fulfillment of which I Paul have been equipped and sent by Christ to help complete.”

 “27to whom1 God purposes to make known the mystery of the riches of the glory he has extended toward all Gentiles2; which message is: Christ within you generates confident expectation of the eternal3 blessing, honor, and position he presents for your acceptance.  28This is the message we demonstrate and proclaim, warning every person, and teaching every person in and through all Christ’s wisdom; so we may be able to present1 every person to God in full array of spiritual maturity2 in Christ Jesus:”

 Colossians, 1:9(1) Paul was instructing the Colossians [members of the body of Christ – which we are today] to continue demonstrating the Love of God and promoting the gospel of Christ.; 1:9(2) heard of their demonstration of God’s kind [quality] of Love [selfless benevolence] and their promotion of the gospel [life philosophy] of Christ; 1:9(3) crammed full, accomplished, complete; 1:9(4) ‘epignosis’ – spiritual understanding that is not possible without the encouragement and cooperation of the mind or the empowerment of the Holy Spirit; 1:10(1) ‘epignosis’

1:12(1) qualified: outfitted: retrofitted: made sufficient [full of power and potential] through the Holy Spirit; 1:12(2) the ‘Holy Ones’: those who lived before us, those now living, and those to come who were/are/will be earnestly on their way to overcoming every personal attribute that worked/works contrary to them achieving Character maturity in Christ [believers on a determinately fixed course to a truly righteous future]; 1:12(3) true enlightenment and behavior in Christ

1:18(1) thus deserving our respect and obedience; 1:18(2) the world-wide group of people who have authentically accepted Christ Jesus as the Lord of their life; 1:18(3) including, and mainly, us personally; 1:18(4) may be allowed to be preeminent in the life of every human being, thus becoming the supreme authority in all matters [he already rules over everything else] concerning The Father’s Creation [his preeminence over all things will come about through the authentic Church – and then turn it over to The Father: v.16-20; Rom.15:507; 1stCor.15:22-29]

1:21(1) Gentiles; 1:21(2) having no Covenant with God; 1:21(3) sinful: conducting your life according to precepts and ways contrary to God’s desire and ordinances; 1:21(4) has granted us all right-standing with Himself through Christ, so we can start our new Life in Christ with a zero account balance instead of a negative balance [the negative account begun by Adam, and continued and added to by each individual: the cause of Humanity becoming more and more alienated from God] – has balanced the sin-account for Humanity through Christ Jesus, and granted us all the right to receive and be in-dwelt by the Holy Spirit, thus opening the way for us all to have personal relationship/fellowship with God; 1:21(5) through an advanced [New] phase of God’s Master Covenant; 1:22(1) the experience of subduing the mental/physical carnality of his fleshly being; 1:22(2) Jesus was actually the body The Father created for himself to inhabit, so he could reconcile Humanity back to himself.; 1:22(3) through Christ the Holy Spirit; 1:22(4) proffered; 1:22(5) in God’s presence now and at our time of final judgment; 1:23(1) actual spirit/mind level belief in the Covenant the Father made with us through Christ Jesus [The Father’s Covenant is with Jesus, but we can enter into that same Covenant through authentic unity with (Faith in) Christ Jesus]; 1:23(2) ‘elpis’: mental Faith: the mental level ruling of our own life through taking spiritual advantage of the attributes of the Holy Spirit; 1:23(3) which is to be; 1:23(4) every person living their human life in these lesser dimensions [5th, 4th, and 3rd] than the Holy Spirit [6th]

1:27(1) [God’s present “saints”]: the ‘Holy Ones’: those who are earnestly on their way to overcoming every personal attribute that works contrary to them achieving Character maturity in Christ [believers on a determinately fixed course to a truly Righteous future]; 1:27(2) everyone who is not a Jew – The Apostle Paul was sent by Christ to minister to Gentiles, therefore, he states “Gentiles”, but the message of Christ is for everyone, including the Jewish people.; 1:27(3) ‘eternal’ includes our present, and extends to the infinite future; 1:28(1) stand beside, recommend, substantiate; 1:28(2) Godly Character

(to be continued) [The Word Study Version (WSV) of these Scriptures is available free upon email request to or]

NOSAS Scriptures, extended list, #7(B1)

(continuing) NOSAS Scriptures, extended list, post #7(B1)

The following posts of fourteen passages of Scripture are more outstanding examples, followed by a list of many more, that pertain to our present and eternal Salvation being tied to our development of Godly character [Holy Spirit empowered spiritual maturity]; and they individually and cumulatively discredit and disqualify the commonly accepted doctrine of “Once Saved Always Saved”, except under a specific condition: remaining IN Christ.

 B1-  Phil.3:1-30 (8-16)[EV], 8Although my heritage and accomplishments1 were much cherished by me in times past, I now judge them all to be detrimental to the purity, maturity, and supremacy of my quest for conscious understanding of Christ Jesus my Lord and of my responsibilities of relationship/fellowship with him.  Christ is the one for whom I have relinquished my spiritual/mental attachment to all earthly things and honors, and consider them to be no better than offscouring2, so I may win3 Christ 9and be found saturated in himIn Christ, I do not have to rely on the fallibility of achieving and maintaining right standing with God through legalistic performance, which is possible only through perfect adherence to all the written laws of God1.  Instead, I rely on the quality of righteousness only achievable through Faithin Christ’s redemption2: the righteousness that is empowered by God through our authentic Faith in Christ3.  10I cast away all hindrances to that quest, so I am prepared to consciously comprehend the true Christ, and experience the power that brought about1 the resurrection of Christ Jesus from the dead.  I strive for like-mindedness with Christ, in order to personally experience his sacrifice of all earthly things and honors, and be completely conformed unto his death to all things that hinder relationship/fellowship with God the Father through Christ.  11This is to enable me, by all means available through the Holy Spirit, to be able to achieve the character qualities1 manifest through true and complete Faith.  Through that Faith, I am empowered to attain unto the resurrection of the dead Covenanted with us by God the Father through Christ.  12I most surely do not assume that I have already attained that most coveted prize of eternal Life; neither do I assume that I am already complete in spiritual and mental maturity.  I continue to follow after, yea chase to fulfill, with every morsel of my being, the life-principles instruction and example of Christ, so I may attain unto, seize, and possess that for which I am empowered and challenged by Christ Jesus to achieve.  13Fellow spiritual-womb occupants [Brethren], I do not assume, or in any way perceive or feign, that I have already achieved the God set assignment and goal to which I have been empowered and challenged to accomplishment in Christ’s Kingdom1.  However, I have adopted Christ’s gospel vision, purpose, and victory that encourage and enhance my advancement toward obedience and achieving that goal.  That principle of advancement is: I abandon2 those things and precepts from my past that would hinder my present and future spiritual/mental progress unto Holiness.  To accomplish this abandonment of hindrances, I focus my vision and purpose on reaching forward unto the victory3 set before us in Christ14I exert and stretch toward the goal of fulfilling the potential for personal quality established by, the assignment of, and achieving the reward promised by, God: as set forth and empowered in us in Christ Jesus15Therefore, let all who are striving for Godly character excellence1 have this same attitude and goal; and if anyone has even the slightest difference in attitude, behavior, and/or goal from that of Christ, in any aspect of life, God shall reveal that difference to them through the Holy Spirit216Nevertheless, even with possible inconsistencies in our walk with Christ, let us now live in Christ’s precepts to the extent that we do understand them.  Let us set our affection, attention, and energy on conforming our life to1 the understanding of Christ that we now have, even as we continue to seek greater purity and strength of understanding and behavior2.”S

 Philippians, 3:8(1) v.5-7; 3:8(2) dung, urine, menstruation fluid, vomit, etc.; 3:8(3) to receive as a reward for accomplishment; 3:9(1) Old Testament system of achieving temporary righteousness through unstable mental adherence to God’s regulations; 3:9(2) The New Testament [Covenant] system of achieving stable and eternal righteousness through spiritual maturity: adherence to God’s regulations through spiritual/mental acceptance and utilization of the attributes of Christ the Holy Spirit; 3:9(3) Christ Jesus, and Christ the Holy Spirit; 3:10(1) and is available to us only because of and through; 3:11(1) spiritual maturity; 3:13(1) Christ’s Kingdom is now on Earth and in ‘heaven’ [the spirit realms]; 3:13(2) throw away, cast off, judge worthless to maintain; 3:13(3) potential and goal; 3:15(1) the walkway [pathway, roadway, avenue] to authentic and complete Salvation; 3:15(2) It is their responsibility to prepare and understand those revelations – and our responsibility to help them do so.; 3:16(S) Phil.4:13; 3:16(1) cherishing, nurturing, life constructing around; 3:16(2) behavior of spirit, mind, and body

 (to be continued)  [The Word Study Version (WSV) of these Scriptures is available free upon email request to or]

NOSAS Scriptures, #6 (A9)

(continuing)  #6(A9)

A9-  Gal.1:6-12[EV]©, “6I am astonished that you have so soon alienated yourselves from the purity, excellence, and power of your once fervent relationship/fellowship with the Holy Spirit1 who reveals and empowers the gospel2 of Christ JesusChrist the Holy Spirit called you unto, enables your entry into, and empowers your successful utilization of, the munificent benevolence, insurmountable wisdom, and carnally unfathomable3 human empowerment supplied to us through Christ.  You are being made spiritually and mentally impotent by intermingling Christ’s pure gospel2 with other gospels1: 7which are not really other God-created gospels[1:6(2)], but are life philosophies and cultural systems created by humans.  Those who design and propagate such errant philosophies and systems are those who do, and will, cause corruption and destruction among you through 1perverting the authentic gospel[1:6(2)] of Christ28But even if we; an angel who is, or seems to be, from heaven; or anyone1 else, proclaims any other gospel[1:6(2)] unto you than that Christ-centered philosophy[1:6(2)] of God’s Love, Life principles, and powers which we have demonstrated and proclaimed unto you; let them2 be accursed39I say again in different words, If anyone1 proclaims any other gospel[1:6(2)] unto you than the Christ’s-gospel[1:6(2)] you have received from me in its purity and forthrightness, let them be exposed as being earth-bound and separated2 from God and you, and ultimately destroyed in and through their own delusions3.S

10Do I now do homage to1 people, or God?  Do I seek to ingratiate myself with Humanity?  If I were to be a people pleaser, or otherwise acquiesce to the desires, designs, or pressures of people2, I would then not be the servant of Christ.  11But I certify to you, brethren1, that the gospel[1:6(2)] demonstrated and proclaimed through me is not a product of the desire or dictate of anyone except Christ.  12I neither assimilated nor deduced my gospel through observing Humanity, nor was I taught it by any Earthly being; but I received it through spiritual/mental revelation-understanding from God the Father, empowered to me through the Holy Spirit1 of Christ Jesus.”

Galatians, 1:6(1) God’s ‘grace’ toward Humanity; 1:6(2) The philosophical guidelines for our life that teach us what to accept and reject, and the attitude we should maintain; and explains the authorities and powers that exist in this life and the spiritual realm, and how to interact with them.; 1:6(3) It is not possible to fathom these things through the use of the carnal mental and physical senses alone.  It is only through our spiritual bonding process with Christ the Holy Spirit that we can begin to truly understand.; 1:7(1) unintentionally or willingly; 1:7(2) piggybacking off and corrupting some of the precepts in Christ’s gospel, because of its popularity and authority among you, in order to justify and support their own purpose, vision, traditions, and carnal lust; 1:8(1) or anything [Rev.13:15]; 1:8(2) and their philosophy that leads to Earthly bondage and spiritual death; 1:8(3) ‘anathema’ – excommunicated from the Church and Heaven; 1:9(1) or anything [Rev.13:15]; 1:9(2) accursed – ‘anathema’; 1:9(3) false beliefs, distortions, deceptions, and destructions of the difference between righteous and evil doctrine.  False and self-serving interpretations of any one part of Christ’s gospel, always leads to misinterpretations and delusions about other aspects of that Gospel.; 1:9(S) Prov.6:16-19; Isa.28:9-13; Jer.6:16, 13:9-14; Zech.7:9-13; Rom.1:21-22; 2ndCor.10:2-5; Phil.1:16; Rev.6:12-17

1:10(1) assent to and rely on; 1:10(2) the carnal proclivities of Humanity; 1:11(1) fellow spiritual-womb occupants; 1:12(1) through the Love, Wisdom, Knowledge, Grace, and Power

(to be continued)  [Your questions and comments are welcome.]

NOSAS Scriptures, #5 (A8)

(continuing)  NOSAS Scriptures, (A8) #5

A8-   2ndCor.5:19[EV], 19 God1 was2 in Christ Jesus3, reconciling4 Humanity5 unto himself in order to [eventually] bring his Creation back into perfect standing6 with himself:not holding people accountable for the trespasses against God that they committed before truly accepting Christ as their savior7; and has now consigned8 unto us9 the responsibility of, and accountability for, sharing with others, through demonstration and proclamation, the message10 of Truth, which sets at liberty the work and message of that reconciliation11to the Father God12.”S

 2ndCorinthians, 5:19(1) in the form of “the Word [Jn.1:1]; 5:19(2) is even now; 5:19(3) “Christ” [God’s salvation stationed in Humanity] is the redeeming and reconciling aspect of God the Father, projected into the realm of Humanity to fulfill the Father’s goal of Salvation for those in Humanity who would and will, by Faith, accept the redeeming sacrifice of his Son and follow his instruction.  Jesus was the first full manifestation of this “Christ” aspect of God the Father, and the Holy Spirit is the present day manifestation of that same “Christ” projected into the realm of Humanity.; 5:19(4) ‘to change mutually’: altering the conditions [on both sides] of a contract [Covenant] – redeeming, reconfiguring, and balancing accounts with; 5:19(5) Earth’s population of all humans; 5:19(6) alignment; 5:19(7) God, through Christ, and after they accept Christ, does not make anyone accountable for the sin they commit before they truly accept Christ Jesus as their savior.  Christ Jesus is now able, through Christ the Holy Spirit, to keep sin from ruling our life and continuing to be a barrier between ourselves and spiritual maturity in relationship/fellowship with God the Father.  The Father, through Christ Jesus, was setting up an advanced operating system [the New Covenant (Testament)] for his “man” creation, whereby He could erase the past sin debt from His accounting ‘ledger’ of a believer’s life and advance his character-development system of dealing with that individual, and all Humanity.; 5:19(8) yielded, entrusted, assigned; 5:19(9) personally, as truly believing Christians empowered through the Holy Spirit; 5:19(10) ‘logos’; 5:19(11) The gift of reunification with God that empowers righteousness in our character, attitude, words, and behavior.; 5:19(12) The Holy Spirit [‘blood’] of Christ Jesus, united with our authentic repentance and forgiveness of others [‘water’], is the perfect sin-erasing emulsion.  This emulsion, formulated and used through the wisdom, love, and grace of God, eradicates the negative entries in God’s biography of our life.  The extent of this elimination of sin, limited only by our contrariness to His instruction, establishes our level of connectedness with God.  Through this connectedness, we are able to access the wisdom and empowerment [available only through the Holy Spirit] to achieve spiritual maturity, fulfill our personal aspect of God’s assignments, and receive the blessings God promised us in his Word.; 5:19(S) [Mk.11:25-26; 1stJn.5:6] Jn.1:1-4, 14; Rom.3:24-26; Col.2:13; 2ndPeter 1:9

NOSAS Scriptures, A7 (#4)

(continuing)  NOSAS Scriptures, (A7) #4

A7-  1stCor.9:23-27[EV], “… 23I do these cultural, yet Christ’s gospel guided, compatibilitiesS for the benefit and promotion of the Gospel in others, as well as myself, so I will be able to be a partaker of the responsibilities and blessings of that Gospel with you, and you with me.  24Do you not comprehend that everyone who actually runs in a race runs all-out, but they who receive the prize are they who reach the winners goal1 Therefore, run, so you may take honorable and rightful possession of your Christ provided and empowered victory225Everyone who fervently labors for true mastery in any aspect of life eventually comes to understand that it is essential to be temperate1 in all aspects of their life.  Even those who rule their life according to the input they receive from the carnal realm understand that they must be self-controlled2 in order, and to the extent necessary, to obtain a corruptible3 ‘crown4.  Likewise, we who strive to obtain the incorruptible ‘crown’5 God has promised, must also sacrifice all things that hinder that quest6.S  26Therefore we must run with intensity, purpose, and purity of Character; not with timidity or uncertainty, but with confidence in God’s Love, ability, and willingness to work in and through us to fulfill the Grace he provided for, and extended toward, us1Because of this necessity, I do not fight like a shadow boxer beating the air2.  27For this cause, I restrain1 my mind to be in submission to my spirit [which I keep in submission to the Holy Spirit], and my body in subjection to my mind; therefore, my whole being is under the control of God through the wisdom and power of the Holy Spirit.  I do this because otherwise,by many possible means2, after I have demonstrated and proclaimed the gospel of Christ to others, I myself could be a castaway from God’s promised Salvation in this life and eternity3.”4

1stCorinthians, 9:23(S) v.9-22; 9:24(1) the finish line – All who reach the finish line receive eternal Life; but some receive great extra rewards in this life and eternity, some receive few, depending on their adherence to the gospel of Christ.; 9:24(2) in this life and the next; 9:25(1) God-controlled; 9:25(2) temperate; 9:25(3) disintegrable; :25(4) an earthly achievement or honor they desire; 9:25(5) eternal position of Life, honor, and authority; 9:25(6) There are no free rides past the open door (Jesus paid the ‘race entry fee’) God so freely provided for us through Christ.; 9:25(S) Rom.5:21, 6:22; 2ndTim.2:5; 9:26(1) With the help of the Holy Spirit, we must remove all the ankle, waist, wrist, neck, and head weights that slow us down and hinder the completion of our race.; 9:26(2) not with ‘religiously’ contrived opponents or goals; but in the God ordained, directed, and empowered fight for my life, and yours: following the Truth principles of the gospel of Christ through the Holy Spirit; 9:27(1) subdue; 9:27(2) to defend against all possible means by which; 9:27(3) corrupted and unfulfilled potential: unable to receive the Earthly and eternal blessings of God [It takes spiritual acuity and ability (maturity and character), to live in and appreciate the blessings of the Spirit realm.]; 9:27(4) If Paul [as great an Apostle as he was] could lose out on Earthly and eternal rewards by being a ‘cast away’ [disqualifying himself] from God’s blessings, how much more should we [being more carnal than him] endeavor to get our life into line with God’s will [God’s system of operating his Creation]?

(to be continued)

NOSAS, #23,Scriptures, sections A5-A6

NOSAS, #23, Scriptures, sections (A5-A6)

A5-  Mt.7:13-14, 21-23[EV], “13Enter into Life at the narrow1 gate2: for wide3 is the gate and broad4 are the roads5 that lead to destruction, and most everyone chooses those paths in this life6.  14The gate that leads to Life1 is very specific2, and the path3 narrows beyond that gate, and very few find their way4 to truly enter and advance into that Life, and attain the goal God assigned to all5.6S

 “21Not everyone who says1 unto me, ‘Lord, Lord’2, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven3, but only they who do the will of my Heavenly Father22Many will say1 unto me in that day2, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in3 your name4, and in your name4 cast out devils5, and in your name4 done many miraculous works6?’  23Then I will proclaim unto them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you who do your own works1 and allege you are operating under my Character, Authority, and Instruction’S.”

 Matthew, 7:13(1) strait, constricting, restricting; 7:13(2) entry way; 7:13(3) seductive and spacious; 7:13(4) emotionally titillating, carnal-culturally acceptable – many and various types of philosophies and ‘religions’; 7:13(5) paths, avenues in the world’s carnal-based philosophies; 7:13(6) to their present and eternal destruction; 7:14(1) ‘zoe’ [‘Christ’ level Life]; 7:14(2) only one way to be born again; 7:14(3) road – the way to live this Earthly life while obtaining and retaining the elements of authentic and full Salvation; 7:14(4) perceive and grasp within the Holy Spirit the wherewithal, and within themselves the gumption,; 7:14(5) eternal Life and Blessing; 7:14(6) Some do enter the restrictive ‘gate’ but, ignoring Christ’s instruction, immediately set up permanent residence along the ‘road’ [“The Way”]; and some who travel further do not see the narrowing ‘road’ and wander into the stagnant ‘ditch’ of ‘religion’ [a ‘religious’ mindset].  Others see the ‘gate’, and choose to ignore it and ‘The Way’ [the pagan/hedonist mindset].  Either way, they all miss the ultimate goal of complete and eternal Salvation.; 7:14(S) Mt.19:23-24; Mk.10:24-25; Lk.18:24-25 [anyone with much Earthly intelligence, talent, and/or property]; Mal.3:6; Mt.16:16-17; Mk.13:5-6; Jn.6:40, 8:12, 23-24, 10:9-10, 12:46-50, 14:6-21, 17:3-26

 7:21(1) alleges, asserts; 7:21(2) that they have accepted my Lordship; 7:21(3) We are not engaged in word games, but rather, in heart (spiritual) issues.; 7:22(1) profusely assert; 7:22(2) the ‘Day’ (time, era, dispensation) of Judgment; 7:22(3) proudly (yet falsely) identified ourselves with; 7:22(4) Character and Authority; 7:22(5) evil spirits; 7:22(6) demonstrations of ‘dunamis’ power; 7:23(1) your own desire, design, and initiative (sin: breaking of the operational laws of the Kingdom); 7:23(S) Rom.1:18

A6-  Acts 20:28-31, 32[EV], 28Therefore take heed unto1 yourselves, and to2 all the congregations of Christ followers3, over whom the Holy Spirit made you4 overseers, to ‘feed5’ the church of God6, which He7 purchased with His own blood829For I discern1 this, that after my departure grievous2 ‘wolves will stealthily enter in among you, not sparing anyone330Also of your own selves1 shall ‘vipers’ arise, speaking seditious and imaginary distortions of Christ’s gospel, in order to draw away disciples after themselves.  31Therefore watch1, and remember, that over the span of three years I did not cease to warn2 everyone about these things night and day with tears3.

32And now, brethren, I leave you in1 God’s care and the care of the Word2 of His Grace3 which4 is able to fortify you and embolden and empower you5 all6 to receive an enhanced inheritance among all them which are sanctified7.”

 Acts, 20:28(1) be cognizant of; 20:28(2) of; 20:28(3) “flocks” – small or large; 20:28(4) ‘shepherds’ – he is teaching and prophesying to Pastors and Church leaders (Elders); 20:28(5) supply authentic spiritual nourishment to; 20:28(6) all those who have accepted the spiritual call to relationship/fellowship with God; 20:28(7) the Father and the Holy Spirit (the “Word”), through Jesus; 20:28(8) the Father God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are “one,” and ‘they’ are our redeemer (Jn.10:30, 17:22-23; Rom.12:5; 1stCor.3:8, 10:17, 12:12; 1stJn.5:7); 20:29(1) spiritually perceive clearly; 20:29(2) ravenous, covetous, and burdensome; 20:29(3) anyone in a group of Christ believers; 20:30(1) of you leaders, and your congregations; 20:31(1) be vigilant; 20:31(2) admonish, explain, and plead with; 20:31(3) knowing what will happen, and lamenting the demeaning and disastrous results of arrogant and self-centered separation from the instruction and power of the Holy Spirit;

20:32(1) turn you totally over to; 20:32(2) (‘logos’) Holy Spirit – the extended outward expression; 20:32(3) Christ the Holy Spirit is God’s Grace extended to Humanity; 20:32(4) who; 20:32(5) The working of the Holy Spirit is not guaranteed to control our life.  It is only through our authentic cooperation that His ability becomes our reality; 20:32(6) not just the Elders; 20:32(7) ‘Holy’ or becoming Holy (Jn.17:17-19; 1stCor.6:11; Eph.5:25-27; 2ndTim.2:21)

(to be continued)

NOSAS, #22, Scripture sections A3-A4

(continuing)  NOSAS Scriptures, #2(A3-A4)

A3-  Ps.103:17-20[EV], “17But the mercy of the Lord1 is from everlasting past to everlasting future upon them that dread2, respect, reverence, and obey Him, and His righteousness3 extends unto4 their children and grandchildren5,S: 18to such as keep His Covenant: to those who remember His commandments to do them.  19God1 established His throne2 in the heavens3, and His Kingdom governs4 all His Creation.  20Bless God1, you His messengers: you who excel in strength doing His commandments, hearkening unto2 the voice3

 Psalms, 103:17(1) Yehovah(the name of God the Father) is translated here “the Lord” in order to communicate a more compassionate (soft emotion) rendering of his name, much like ‘Papa’ instead of ‘Father’; 103:17(2) dread being without His blessings; 103:17(3) righteous judgment and justice (His work to improve the human state); 103:17(4) continues to work in and through; 103:17(5) innumerable generations; 103:17(S) Ex.34:7; Deut.4:24-26, 10:12; Ps.109:1-6; 103:19(1)  17(1); 103:19(2) the seat of power of His Kingdom; 103:19(3) spirit realms [Everything that exists, exists in a spirit realm.  The physical realm and the mental realm are simply different (lower) dimensions of the many spirit realms God created.  God’s ‘throne’ is in the highest dimension, and he rules over everything from that dimension.]; 103:19(4) His Covenant has authority and power over; 103:20(1)  17(1); 103:20(2) ‘rhema-receiving’ (see “Quest Journal,” Journal entry #1); 103:20(3) sound and message; 103:20(4) listening intently, in order to hear correctly and obey exactly

 A4-  Prov.11:17-19[EV], “17They who are merciful to others are a blessing to their own soul, but they who are cruel curse their own life.  18The wicked perpetrate a fraud1 upon their own soul: but to them that sow righteousness there shall be a sure2 reward319As the pursuit of righteousness works to establish Life1: so they who pursue evil pursue it to their own Death1.”

 Proverbs, 11:18(1) con, deceit, scam, sham, swindle; 11:18(2) valuable, stable, and secure; 11:18(3) they discover how to open the ‘sluice gate’ of their life to the refreshing and empowering Life flow of the Holy Spirit; 11:19(1) present and eternal

(to be continued)

NOSAS Scripture section


NOSAS (continuing) Scripture section

This is my Expanded Version [EV] of these Scriptures.  These Scriptures are the finished product of my Word Study Version [WSV] [my Word-Study expansion of the King James Version] of these particular Scriptures; with comments, footnotes, and Scripture references replaced with subscripted numbers and letters in the main text, with those elements referenced and included at the end of each segment.

 The first nine Scripture selections [A1 – A9] are some of the strongest passages that emphasize the necessity of maintaining a vigorous, ongoing personal relationship/fellowship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.  These Scriptures reveal God’s wisdom.  We must follow His guidance, instead of relying on the popular false ideas or doctrines that promote the concept that a one-time-and-then-neglected emotional, or a single heart-serious, experience with Christ will authorize and empower a fully blessed experience in everlasting Life.  The commonly accepted false doctrine of “Once Saved Always Saved” [OSAS] has, through ignorance, killed more souls and stifled more spiritual growth and potential for fulfillment of God’s plan for Humanity than any other atrocity perpetrated by the so-called ‘Church’ of Christ Jesus: the ‘religious’ [counterfeit] forms of true Christianity.

 Although there are multitudes of examples in the Old Testament, we begin with only four to document that Godly Character development [spiritual maturity] has always been God’s goal for us, and the purpose of our Earthly existence.  The following is my Expanded Version [EV] of these Scriptures.  The King James Version [KJV+] and/or Word Study Version [WSV] of any of these particular verses or passages are available upon email request to or .


 NOSAS Scriptures, post #1, sections A1-A2,  Copyright © A. Woody Stone

A1-  1stChron.28:9[EV], “9And you, my child1, do not settle for mere religion2, but perceive, understand, and cherish my God: the God of our honorable ancestors.  Be a servant unto him: a servant who possesses a mature spirit and a mind desirous to know God and his ways and to obey his instruction, because God searches the depths of all our inner being3, and understands all the knowledge, attitudes, visualizations, and purposes of our spirit and mind4.  God already understands you; but if you diligently seek to understand, and relish living in, his character and ways, you will come to know, understand, and be like him, as he so greatly desires for your good.  However, if you refuse or abandon your search for intimate relationship with God, he will, in the end, discard you as waste5 forever.”S

 1stChronicles, 28:9(1) includes us today; 28:9(2) achieve spiritual maturity, and be righteously and boldly energetic (emphasizing spiritual growth over the accumulation of things) in your relationship/fellowship with God; 28:9(3) God searches all our inner being through his “since before the foundation of the world” permanent connection to our spirit: the part of us that knows absolutely everything about our total life.; 28:9(4) superconscious, conscious, and subconscious operations of our human self; 28:9(5) septic off-scouring: dung, urine, vomit, snot; 28:9(S) Prov.20:27


A2-  Ps.15:1-5[EV], “1LORD, who shall continually live under1 your umbrella2 of guidance and protection in your Earthly Kingdom3; and who shall dwell in your eternal presence42They are they who live uprightly, practice righteousness, and speak the Truth in their heart1; 3they who do not ‘back-bite’ with their tongue, nor do evil1 to their associates, nor perpetrate contemptuous or humiliating treatment against their neighbor24They are they in whose values1 vileness is disdained2, and who honor them that dread3, respect4, reverence5, and obey6 the LORD.  They who covenant7 to their own hurt8, and change not; 5who do not lend their money for the purpose of gaining interest, nor take bribes1 to judge or act against the innocent.  They who do these things shall never fall from dwelling in2 your Kingdom3.45

 Psalms, 15:1(1) not slide out from under; 15:1(2) shadow, shield; 15:1(3) under the guidance and protections of the Old and New Covenants; 15:1(4) in God’s spiritual ‘temple’ (Kingdom: present and eternal) – under the New Covenant; 15:2(1) If we truly ‘speak’ God’s Truth in our heart (spirit), our mouth and behavior will do the same.; 15:3(1) wickedness; 15:3(2) those near in place, kindred, or time (those wanting to spiritually connect with them); 15:4(1) moral and ethical standard by which a person regulates their spiritual, mental, and physical life; 15:4(2) deemed contemptuous; 15:4(3) dread the Judgment of; 15:4(4) respect the decisions of; 15:4(5) reverence the love and majesty of; 15:4(6) obey the instruction of; 15:4(7) make a promise (give their word on a matter – behave like God); 15:4(8) A person whose character is so Godly, and whose verbal agreement is so reliable, that they (as their principle) have sworn a curse upon themselves in the event that they break their word (their covenant) – to behave like God.; 15:5(1) in the form of reward, or to avoid threat, of any kind; 15:5(2) in at least some aspect of; 15:5(3) (O.T.) being sons of Israel (God’s Earthly Kingdom) and living under God’s protection; (N.T.) being sons of God and living in the benefits of Christ’s Kingdom (God’s Earthly and Spiritual Kingdom).; 15:5(4) Those who do not fail to purpose to live this lifestyle (but, in the N.T., not limited to these things alone) will not be displaced from dwelling in at lease some aspect and blessing of God’s all-life-encompassing Kingdom.; 15:5(5) Even though this Psalm was written in a time when they did not know there would be a ‘New Covenant’ with God; all these principles are repeated in the New Covenant.  They are the initial stage (Law) of developing mature Godly character [spiritual maturity (guided by Grace: the Holy Spirit)] – which is necessary to gain permanent entry into, and benefit from, God’s present and eternal Kingdom.

(to be continued)  [If you have questions or comments, please contact me – either here in the comments section, or by email (listed above).]


NOSAS intro., #20, sections 55-58

(continuing) #20, NOSAS intro., sections 55-58

55-   The following NOSAS and Character Development verses, as well as all ‘Old’ and ‘New’ Testament Scripture, were spoken and written for us from a Loving, informative, instructive, constructive, and encouraging perspective founded in, and aiming toward, our Godlike character-maturity relationship with the one and only Loving, Enabling, and Empowering God.  Truly receiving God as our all wise and powerful Elder, Leader, and Mentor depends on our receiving his Word as being from a truly Loving Father, not from the fractured viewpoint of perceiving him as a harsh, demanding, legalistic, performance demanding, unapproachable God.

 56-   All the sixty-one references to “saints,” in the KJV New Testament [Catholics adopted their title of ‘Saint’ from these references] are referring to “Holy Ones.”  These are all those [not just the specific ones the Catholic church ‘authorize’] who are sacrificing [or ever have or will sacrifice] every personal thing that works contrary to them being earnestly on the road to fulfilling the calling to achieve the spiritual, mental, and physical Character maturity with God and in this life, called for in Scripture [believers on a determinately fixed course (set by God, not Humanity) to a truly righteous and holy future].  All humanity has been called to ‘sainthood’ [fulfilling the death of the carnal-dominant dictatorship of our natural spirit and mind, in order to totally fulfill our obligation of spiritual, mental, and physical obedience to the Holy Spirit], for our benefit and God’s.  Not All people will fulfill that calling – will you?

57-   As you inhale the Life-rich atmosphere of all the following Scriptures [and all Christian Scripture]; I encourage you to see the beauty and power available to be received from God’s instruction, and their usefulness to your spiritual maturity and life enhancement.  Spiritually and mentally, position yourself to receive God’s help.  Resist producing a mental image of something repressive, demanding, and a thief of emotional peace and contentment [which ‘religion’ and carnality promotes].  Only when we are determined to have a God-accurate and solidified vision, direction, and purpose in life are we willing and able to actually receive Instruction, truly possess God’s Peace, and experience authentic and complete CONTENTMENT AND FREEDOM.  Developing and maintaining a Holy God-pleasing ‘in-life’, will insure a Holy God-pleasing ‘out-life’.

58-   The following Scripture passages [beginning with the next post in this place] emphasize our responsibility to God and ourselves to identify, develop, and utilize the great personal and church-corporate gifts Christ Jesus has given us through his Holy Spirit, and to use those gifts to develop the Holy Character God has made us accountable to develop.  These verses also point out the necessity of our realizing the influence our personal spiritual maturity has as it reaches the eyes, ears, and heart of the world, and the church; and our necessary fervent attitude toward regaining, establishing, and maintaining the purity and simplicity of the authentic Word of God.

(to be continued)  [End of introduction.  NOSAS Scriptures begin with next post.]